Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Cute video of a dude doing a parady of the Star Wars Kid video that was internet gold last year. LINK

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Ok, I must admit it, I'm a little freaked out how dog crazy I have become. I guess maybe its because I really should be preparing to be a father, but it seems easier to "baby step" it to dog owner first. Don't get me wrong, I'll be delighted if I hear the words "The Rabbit Died!" Actually, how rad will it be if that's the way Chelle informs me when and if it happens. Anyway... I love my Vespa, but I have become increasingly more interested in other two wheeled vehicles, you'll see what I am desiring in later post.
When Chelle and I do get our puppy we will have to visit this site to get the appropriate attire so the animal can travel with us.

Rock Kills Kids Video

I love it when a band looks as cool as it sounds. Check this video of RKK rockin out to Paralyzed. LINK
Rock Kills Kids
are you nervous?

I've been digging the EP from RKK since its iTunes debut. The entire record is now available. Go check it out. LINK to iTunes LINK to RKK site
The Evolution of Dance

This is pretty funny, check it out.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Over 700 TV shows online
Here's a very cool site that simply list several shows that you can watch online. My personal favorite is the last four episodes of Arrested Development. LINK

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Apple launches new "Get a Mac" TV ad campaign, posts videos.

Finally new funny apple ads. LINK